How do you guarantee I receive my loved one’s cremated remains?

All necessary paperwork and fees must be completed with local authorities, and then a checklist is completed at the crematory. A metal disk with a unique ID number accompanies your loved one from the time we receive the person throughout the cremation process, and after cremation occurs we attach the… Read More

Who is authorized to sign for cremation?

South Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated SECTION 32-8-315. Execution of a cremation authorization form. (A) A person may authorize his or her own cremation and the final disposition of his or her cremated remains by executing a cremation authorization form. A person has the right to revoke this authorization at… Read More

What do people do with cremated remains?

The final resting place of cremated remains is entirely up to the family. Many cemeteries have a special storage room or columbarium for cremated remains. Some families choose to keep the remains in an urn and place it on a mantelpiece in their home. Others scatter the remains at a… Read More

Can there still be a service before a cremation?

Many families wish to hold a funeral service prior to a cremation. In this case, they may choose to embalm the body. If this is the type of service your family would like, please contact our sister company, The McDougald Funeral Home in Anderson, SC. Read More

Following a cremation, when do families receive cremated remains?

Once the cremation is complete families receive cremated remains in the urn or container that they selected. The funeral director will arrange an appointment time for you to pick them up. If you live out of town, the funeral director can also arrange for delivery by mail. Read More